Landscape Crayon Resist

Ms. Secor
Grade: 2
2-3 Days

Anticipatory Set:     
•    Show pictures of famous artists and have students identify the foreground, middleground, and background.
•    . Have students recall each primary and secondary color from famous artworks.
•    Ask the students if artwork needs to be realistic to be considered artwork.

As a result of this unit, students will:
•    Show their understanding of primary and secondary colors by using one of each in their painting.
•    Create a landscape using crayons and tempera paint. They will show their understanding of space by having a foreground, middle ground, background, and horizon line.
•    Identify and describe the foreground, middle ground, and background in reproductions and in their own landscapes.
•    Decide if every landscape needs to be depicted realistically to be an artwork.

•    crayons
•    12"x18" paper
•    tempera paint (red, blue, yellow)
•    brushes
•    pencils
•    refrences

Horizon line
Primary and Secondary colors
Background, middle ground and foreground


Day 1
•    Go over color mixing to produce secondary colors.
•    Drawing must include a horizon line (divides the sky and the ground), foreground, middleground, and background.
•    Demonstrate the crayon wax resist by drawing the composition and tracing with crayon.

Day 2
•    Show students how to paint using tempera.
•    Use a different color of paint for each layer (foreground, middleground, background) in the landscape.
Day 3
•    Finish up painting.
•    Free day for those who are done.
•    Closure.

Guided/ Independent Practice:
Students will use examples, and reproductions as a reference to draw their landscapes.

Questions/ closure:
•    Do artists have an individual style that makes them unique?
•    Does a landscape need to look realistic to be considered art?
•    How did we create space in our landscape?
•    What were some artists that we discussed today?
•    How did you display foreground, middleground, and background?

1 comment:

  1. love this project and the outcome- i'm going to start a similar project today and show my middle schoolers these examples
