Oaxaca Magical Creatures

Spanish Heritage Month
3rd Grade
4 Days

Magical Creatures
Spanish Heritage Month
3rd Grade
4 Days

1.    Anticipatory Set: 
•    I will introduce Hispanic Heritage Month.
•    Show students what we are doing by putting together a “magical creature” on the board using cut-outs and magnets.
•     Then I will allow students behaving to pick one piece to make our class magical creature.

2.    Objectives/Purpose:
Students will :
•    Understand Mexican culture through art by creating an Oaxacan folk art animal using bright colors and stippling.
•    Students will demonstrate ability to use arts a tool of communication by talking about their own artwork and creating a story about it.

3.    Materials:
Practice paper and final paper, pencils, scissors, brown paper bags, tempera paints, markers.

4.    Preparation:
•    Write pronunciation of Oaxaca on the board.
•    Handout with stippling and simple designs.

5.    Standards:
a.    V.A. 1: Students recognize and use the visual arts as a form of communication.
b.    V.A. 3: Students know and apply visual arts materials, tools, techniques, and processes.
c.    V.A. 4: Students relate the visual arts to various historical and cultural traditions.
d.    V.A. 5: Students analyze and evaluate the characteristics, merits, and meaning of works of art.

6.    Providing input (info needed to get started):
The Zapotec people of Oaxaca (Wa-HAH-ka), Mexico, craft intricate animals from copal wood. They paint their carvings with multicolored, intricate patterns. Some of these animals look real, while others are pure fantasy.

7.    Procedure/Independent practice:

 Day 1: Students will use examples on the board and tables to design their Oaxacan magical creature. Students should create at least two practices creatures. If there is time left they can color their design with markers. Also they can practice stippling.

Day 2: Students can draw their design onto the final paper. They will paint using one flat color. Once that is dry they may choose other colors to decorate their animal.

Day 3: Continue to paint and decorate animal. Once done, they can cut it out and glue to a crumpled up paper bag.

Day 4:  Finish up and have a critique in the secret garden.

8.    Checking for Understanding:
Call on students to go through the procedure again. Example (Joe, what is the first thing you will do when you get to your desk?)

9.    Accommodations/Modifications:
•    If students lose their detail because they get carried away with paint they can use a sharpie to outline.
•    If students feel stuck in the design process, they can go up to the board and use the magnet pieces to create an animal.
Finishing early:
•    Students can draw a border using Mexican border handout as a guide.
•    They can also write a story about their magical creature—what its super powers are, where it comes from, its name, etc…   

10.    Closure:
•    Students will clean up and sit on the floor. We will review the topics we covered and show artwork in progress.
•    Day 4 we will have a critique in the secret garden or inside if it is not nice outside.

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